Department Guidelines
This is the official Atlanta Police Department handbook, this specific section will cover the general guidelines & expectations of the department.
Section 1 | Department Policies
1.1 Activity Policy: Once Officers have passed the training process, & officially become a Officer within the ranks of The Atlanta Police Department, they are expected to complete the weekly quota of 1 hour. Officers are excused from this quota if they are on an administrative leave (4/7 days of the week.), quotas may be modified, voided, or lowered at any given time for multiple reasons. Officers who submit a incident report the previous week, are given a reduced quota of 45 minutes.
1.2 Administrative Leave Policy: Officers are allowed to request an administrative leave (Leave of Absence.) at any time, for any personal reason they may have. Administrative leaves must be at least 7 days long, these leaves may not exceed the 3 week limit. After requesting a leave, Officers must wait 2 weeks before requesting another one, however if you absolutely NEED to you may always talk to a Command member. To request an administrative leave, you may run the command /leave request.
1.3 Retirement Policy: Officers are allowed to retire at any given time, to request a retirement open a support ticket. Keep in mind you must follow the retirement policy, shown here.
1.4 Leaking Policy: All Officers of the department are strictly prohibited from disclosing any private information or documents to non department members.
Last updated